I’ve been asked about hydro-static testing or testing using a fluid under pressure. This method is very useful for testing at high pressures, where gases can become unstable, or dangerous due to compression. My experience of this was using water to test components such as water meters. In this we filled the part with water, and pressurised it to a pressure of 25 Bar. then during a short measuring phase of 8 seconds we measured (using a proprietary pressure transducer) the pressure drop caused by the water leaking out of the part, rejecting any part that exhibited a pressure drop of more than 0.1 Bar. this 0.1 Bar drop can be equated to the amount of water lost from the part by using the volume of the part, and the compressibility of water, an in fact in this example our 0.1 Bar Pressure Drop equated to a water droplet of less than 4mm diameter. One advantage of this method is the ability to see the location of the leak as we were testing.

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